Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What a Roadtrip Should Be

One of the most fantastically fantasy inspiring webisode series I have ever seen. The desolation of the Baja Desert alone make this a must watch, add in the motorcycles, supreme production, and of course the constant threat of Mexican drug cartels and I be you will not stop watching this series until you finish it. And if you are like me it wont be long until you are watching it again.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Intense Tattooing: GRIME

The sickest tattoo age episode yet. Intense style and coloring in these tattoos. Graphic and honest.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Super hilarity with skating. Particular highlights are the kits sleeves shooting off as he becomes a Manwolf, the bottle broken over the bimbos head, the entire opening scene, and "ALL THIS FOR SOME SHOES?!!?!!"

Be A Manwolf Today from éS Skateboarding on Vimeo.

Euro Super Edit!

Can't get enough of this vid. Super high energy skiing, music, partying and slapping. Not to mention the crash at the beggining, one of the gnarliest you will ever see.

Åkarklubben - KAS 11 from on Vimeo.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Nimbus: From the something. Japan. Ya. Japan.


En Route Japan from NIMBUS INDEPENDENT on Vimeo.

Nimbus: From the beginning. En Route Finale

Finale... Doesn't that sound grand?!? well it is, dahlinnng, it is!! The epic conclusion to the clifhanger that is Mad Men season 3. wait what???

En Route Approach from NIMBUS INDEPENDENT on Vimeo.

Nimbus: From the beginning. En Route again

I really don't remember what the boys do in this installment. But really what do you really need to know beyond; It's Nimbus, It's Pollard, It's skiing?

en route plan b from NIMBUS INDEPENDENT on Vimeo.

Nimbus: From the beginning. En Route II (I think)

The second installment of the En Route series (i think). I really don't know what order these edits went in, it was a year ago or something. Really it doesn't matter they are sick regardless and don't even follow a specific story arc. Again, pow, pow, and more pow, and fun too, of course.

En Route Departure from NIMBUS INDEPENDENT on Vimeo.

Nimbus: From the beginning. The Beginning

Part one of the Nimbus 'En Route' webisode series. Mostly backcountry in the PNW and Europe if i recall correctly.  Style and pow sums it up.

En Route Nomads from NIMBUS INDEPENDENT on Vimeo.

The embed of 'Just Chillin'

I do believe i have this embed thing figured out

Full Length Ontario Ski Flick

Some crazy cannucks put this 25 min flick on the other day. Some of the rail tricks are repetitive but the last segment makes up for all of it with great style. The music is ok. But just ok.

a link... while i figure out how to embed